Definition of the Meijer G-function
A general definition of the Meijer G-function is given by the following line integral in the complex plane (Bateman & Erdélyi 1953, § 5.3-1):- In mathematics, Spence's function, or dilogarithm, denoted as Li2(z), is a particular case of the polylogarithm. Two related special functions are referred to as Spence's function, the dilogarithm itself::
Kummer's function
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kummer's function is defined by
- In mathematics, the Laguerre polynomials, named after Edmond Laguerre (1834 - 1886), are solutions of Laguerre's equation:
Joseph Fourier presented what is now called the Fourier integral theorem in his treatise Théorie analytique de la chaleur in the form:[9]
The super-logarithm, written
, is defined implicitly by
For real non zero values of x, the exponential integral Ei(x) is defined as
The piecewise linear function
For any real number x the absolute value or modulus of x is denoted by |x| (a vertical bar on each side of the quantity) and is defined as[6]
In more precise terms, an algebraic function of degree n in one variable x is a function
that satisfies a polynomial equation
Definition by Ein
can be written more simply using the entire function
[10] defined as
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